lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008

Paid To Click advertising-PTC

Paid to click advertising, or PTC is popular for Internet marketers as well as people wanting to make money. The promises of wealth beyond your imagination to a comfortable extra hundred dollars monthly is promised by literally hundreds of websites out on the

Advertisers pay a website to guarantee them warm bodies to view their advertisements. Just like search engine can be paid so when you input a product or service, the paid advertisement always comes up at the top of the page and is sometimes highlighted. This is all well and good, but the problem herein is that the customer must be LOOKING for that particular item or service for paid advertising to work.

Introducing Paid To Click or PTC advertising. Here, an advertiser pays a website to advertise for them, usually 2¢ per hit or page view. The PTC website lures a potential customer or viewer into becoming a member by promising to pay them usually 1¢ per view and a referral for getting others to do the same.

It becomes the best of both worlds as th advertiser gets a warm body to view their ad and the clicker or viewer gets paid to view the ad. So where does all this money go and who gets it? Eventually, a customer will buy the service or product which in turn may pay a commission and it keeps the whole cycle going.

PTC (Paid to click, Pay-Per-click) pages are paid to do clicks on advertising links through its website. When you reach a certain amount of money accumulated in your account (usually 10 usd) you transferred the money to what we call virtual banks as they can be Paypal (widely used for purchases on eBay), Alertpay (the most commonly used in this time), E-gold, etc.. The money can be charged by check, be used to make purchases on the Internet (rapidshare, gold camera, etc.), we can make transfers to your cards, and many more functions that also depend on each of these banks. There are many pages PTC at this time, on this site you tell which are the best and which actually paid.

Show me the money!

The member/viewer(you) lets say gets 1 penny per click, so after viewing 100 ads, that person(you) now earned 1 dollar. If you have 10 other friends, neighbors, contacts doing the same as you and you referred them, you get a bonus or commission on their clicks too! Their friends, neighbors, and their friends and neighbors doing it becomes a powerful force.

If you look at it as a mathematical snowball effect you can see how you can POTENTIALLY make money. It all relies on continued participation by everyone and the constant referrals of others underneath the initial referrer.